I am a computer science PhD student at Carnegie Mellon University, in the Language Technologies Institute. My work focuses on artificial intelligence systems that enhance the way people discover, explore, and connect ideas. At CMU, I am advised by Emma Strubell and supported by the Knight Fellowship.

Previously I worked on computational social science at Knowledge Lab, natural language processing & LLMs as a student researcher at Google, autonomous driving at Google X, and tech law & policy at Harvard. As an undergraduate I studied computer science, philosophy, and linguistics at the University of Chicago.

Beyond the world of computers I have been an actor, a mock trial captain, and publicly angry about climate change. I enjoy cooking, making music, reading poetry, arts & crafts, and going out dancing.

a picture of me

Email: first initial + first seven letters of last name + at andrew dot cmu dot edu

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Github: @jmilbauer

Twitter: @jerelev

Threads: @jerelevant

Mastodon: @jerelev